ICOM International Committee for Education and Cultural Action

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May 17, 2024

History of Museum Education in Brazil

Marie-Clarté O’Neill
President of ICOM-CECA
Nicole Gesché-Koning
Head of History of Museum Education at CECA

This second book in the series devoted to the World History of Museum Education takes us this time to Latin America, and more specifically to Brazil, a pioneering country in the drive to make its museum collections accessible to all audiences.

After the historical analysis of mediation in Belgium in the first volume, from the great figures to more in-depth reflections on the why and the future of mediation in the 21st century, the Brazilian work follows a similar path, presenting in turn personal stories of professional trajectories, the role of the pioneering professionals of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, through to the different orientations of mediation today in terms of accessibility, the social function of museums, inclusion, the fight against racism, heritage education and, finally, the world of cyberculture.
It is an “in-depth historical review around one of the museum functions, education, which has long been regarded by museums as user-friendly and fundamentally essential, yet has not been perceived by the professional community as a scientific discipline in its own right, unlike the work of researching and conserving collections, which has been regarded by museums as a scientific discipline in its own right…”
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This book is currently only available in Portuguese.
Versions in French, English and Spanish will soon be available on this site under Publications / History of cultural mediation.
