The Best Practice Tool

«Best practice in museum education and cultural action programs»
Describing, analysing and  assessing a program
Marie-Clarté O’Neill and Colette Dufresne-Tassé

The Best Practice Tool is a tool for analyzing an educational or cultural action project.

This tool was developed in response to CECA members’ request to share a steering tool to bring them closer to a “exemplary project”. The tool was proposed by Marie-Clarté O’Neill and Colette Dufresne-Tassé and then discussed successively at the European and global levels during the annual conferences or regional workshops on this theme.

The aims of this tool are threefold:

  • To guide and critically structure the work of CECA members and supporters in the design, analysis or evaluation of their educational and cultural projects.
  • To encourage institutions and professionals to set up projects in a comparable way, either individually or through national or international groups.
  • To encourage a renewal and deepening of program presentations at annual meetings.

You are welcome to share your expertise and experience by using the Best Practice Tool. This tool is available in these languages:

Download the full document in English here.

Translations of the document in other languages
German / English / Espagnol / French / Հայերեն /Portuguese / Русский中文 /