Past regional conferences



From the 6th-8th October 2022 Moesgaard Museum is holding the CECA Europe Conference with the theme ENJOYMENT

The European ICOM CECA Conference will bring together inspiring presentations, current research and actionable input from experts of the field.

Our focus topic is the Power of Enjoyment in museum programs – How to enhance wellbeing, social interaction and positive experiences in our museums.

We’re going to take a closer look at the relationship between the educational and audience departments work and the results with the participants. We explore how our interactions influence the mindset of our visitors and the dynamics in our groups. The aim of this conference is to promote dialogue between colleagues, share examples and ideas in workshops and presentations as well as giving new insights in research on the topic.

Link to the conference <here>  

The Power of Enjoyment in Museum Programs
06. – 08. October 2022
Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus Denmark

We have put together a great program for museum mediators and educators with four panels in parallel and a wide spectrum of topics as health & wellbeing, current research, different target groups and of course train the trainers program.
There will be around 50 presentations with speakers from India, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Canada, France, Nederland, Turkey, USA, United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, Germany, Belgium and Denmark.
After two seminar days at Moesgaard Museum with intensive workshops, best practice examples and research, the program will be rounded off with a behind a look behind the scenes at the Aarhusian museums: Aros Art Museum, Gamle By – The Oldtown Museum, Natural History Museum of Aarhus and KØN- The Gender Museum.

► Find all information about the conference <here>
► Register <here>
► For more information, please contact ceca.europe[at]

Wencke Maderbacher
Leder af formidling
ICOM CECA Europe Coordinator

Moesgaard Museum
Moesgård Allé 15
8270 Højbjerg




Conférence annuelle du réseau CECA France du 4 juillet 2022 : synthèse de la Journée <ici>

Trois axes, qui correspondent à la triple acception du mot « sens », tracent le fil conducteur de cette journée : le sens entendu en tant que “direction” (les missions du musée et de la médiation) ;
le sens entendu en tant que “signification” (les différents savoirs, les différentes approches, les différents formats de la médiation) ;
le sens entendu en tant que “sensible” et “sensoriel” (la présence et l’importance du pluri-sensoriel dans la médiation).
Videos :
Parts 1-2
Part 3


4th ICOM CECA Austria Conference for the Austrian Museum Day – 09th October 2019 – Salzburg Museum, 5010 Salzburg – Austria

Speak up! Is cultural mediation the voice of the museum? Who determines, what is being talked about, how and with whom? Who do we give a voice to? And who stays unheard?

<4th ICOM CECA Austria Conference Salzburg 2019>



ICOM-CECA International Seminar. Museums / Community and education – 24-26 June 2019 – Lisbon

The International Conference was a joint initiative of ICOM Portugal, ICOM-CECA and ICOM Europe on museums, community and education, on the theme of the ICOM General Conference in Kyoto. This conference included 3 thematic sessions: Memory and Community, Education and Community, Heritage as an expression of different cultures and different migrations

<Seminar Lisbone june 2019>


Middle East and Maghreb

QATAR 2019

ICOM CECA Regional Workshop. From 9 to 11 November 2019 – Msheireb Museums – Doha, Qatar.

When theory meets practice: practical approaches to museum education.
Key aspects: explore the relationship between the museum’s pedagogical theory and practical activities, focusing on participatory approaches.
Moderated by Gabriela Aidar (Brazil) and Ricardo Rubiales (Mexico), members of the CECA.

<Regional Workshop Quatar nov2019>


Latin America and the Caribbean


International Museums Day 2019 – “Dialogue between the museum and society” – Regional Historical Museum “Faustino Queipo” – Partido de San Cayetano, province of Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Hosted by Mercedes Murúa, CECA national correspondent in Argentina and Nora Labord, curator of the museum.

<International Museums Day 2019 Argentina>



XI CECA National Meeting in Argentina.
6th National Meeting for the Training of Museum Educators “Museum education” – October 4 and 5 2019.
Educational services, guided tours, public attention; evaluation of educational practices.
Argentine Library and the Museum of Decorative Art “Firma y Odilio Estevez”, Rosario (Argentina).
Mercedes Murúa, national correspondant of CECA in Argentina, Nora Labord, curator oft he museum.

<XI CECA National Meeting 2019 in Argentina>



Workshop to introduce ICOM CECA Best Practices in educational and cultural programmes – 9th Meeting of the Museums of Patagonia Sur-Sur
Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego province – Argentina) – 31 October, 1 and 2 November 2019.
Directed by Margarita Laraignée, CECA Communication Coordinator.

<Workshop introduce CECA BP 2019 – Ushuaia, Argentina. >



1st Open Day for the dissemination of ECSC Chile’s educational experiences – January 14, 2019 – Gabriela Mistral Education Museum. Santiago.

The topics discussed were:
– Branding, relevant and attractive museum – FernandaMartínez
– World Forum of Young Museum Workers – MatíasCornejo
– Education management and current challenges – FernandaVenegas
Participants: 35 people



Speech/Workshop “When to eat and think is a museum business. Recipes for cultural management
Violeta Parra Museum – Santiago de Chile – January 23, 2019

<When to eat and think is a museum business. 2019 Chile>



Seminar “Museum, art and migration: a space for meetings” – MAVI Museum of Visual Arts – Santiago de Chile – January 26, 2019

This activity is the result of a collaboration between the MAVI Museum of Visual Arts and ICOM-CECA Chile.
Responsible: museum educator Leonardo Casado from Argentina

<Museum, art and migration – a space for meetings. 2019 Chile>