March 22, 2024
II Meeting ICOM Spain – CECA. Museums for Education and Research

Museums for Education and Research, the theme of International Museum Day 2024, underlines the fundamental role of cultural institutions in providing comprehensive educational experiences that impact on sustainability, quality education and innovation.
Museums are dynamic educational spaces that foster, through their projects, both knowledge and the development of creative and critical thinking in their audiences. At the same time, research shows that there are standards and good practices that promote learning. In addition to finding out how an exhibition can contribute to the personal development of visitors, we ask ourselves what role does education play in exhibition design, what is the contribution of education and what mediation strategies are proposed so that the public visiting an exhibition can establish cognitive, social and affective links with the objects on display and relate them to their experiences?
We are sending you information about the II ENCOUNTER ICOM Spain – CECA. Museums for education and research organised in collaboration with the Museo Nacional del Prado, on 19 and 20 April 2024 in this museum.
Also the link for registration which will be open from 2 April at 10:00h.
During this meeting, a series of talks will be given by Colette Dufresne-Tassé, Martí Manén, Pat Villeneuve, Santiago Eraso and Oriol Fontdevila. We will reflect on the link between mediation, education, research and curating. Three working groups will be created: Genealogy (A history of education in Spanish museums), Territory (Educational programmes for the community) and Professionalisation (Challenges of the professionalisation of education in museums).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Executive Council of ICOM Spain