August 25, 2020
Special Interest Group – Museum Education and Decolonization.

“Museum Education and Decolonization” – CECA LAC
Coordinators: Silvana Lovay <sillovay[at]> and Fernanda Venegas <fernandavenegas.a[at]>.
The “coloniality” of power is a concept invented by Aníbal Quijano and refers to the colonial imaginaries that still persist today around power, knowledge, gender, and race (Quijano 1992).
In this sense, museums have traditionally played a role in educating their visitors, promoting certain types of knowledge and know-how. However, many museums in countries…
- Young black boy holding a fruit basket and young girl caressing a dog. Antoine Coypel. Louvre Museum, France.
- Photo taken from the book “La crítica de la colonialidad en ocho ensayos” by Rita Segato. Don Pedro II, emperor of Brazil, one and a half years old, on his nanny’s lap. Oil of Jean-Baptiste Debret. Imperial Palace Museum of Petropolis, Brazil.
- Olympia. And detail. Édouard Manet. Louvre Museum, France.