CECA Vocabulary

This page of the CECA-website offers an overview of the words used to indicate the work of museum educators – or whatever they are called today – in several countries.

For each country represented you will find

  • the main words used to describe our work
  • the dominant word(s) used to describe our profession

This Vocabulary is not just about words!

Words have different meanings in each country and over time, so it is easy to get stuck in endless semantic discussions. The main purpose of this Vocabulary is getting a step further, since the way we use words also explains a lot about the way we think and work. It reflects the views on museum education in each country. And it shows the variety in our profession around the world.


This Vocabulary was collected in the light of a study into the background of CECA’s name, containing two concepts: education and cultural action. Most members have quite a fair understanding of ‘education’, but not many can clearly explain ‘cultural action’. So CECA started a special project looking for old and new meanings of education and cultural action. This is done in several ways since 2016: facebook surveys, poster presentations and workshops were held. ICOM Education 28 [link] is entirely dedicated to the theme, as well as the CECA 2018 [link] annual conference in Tbilisi.


Many CECA national correspondents and some individual members contributed to the composition of this vocabulary. We thank all of them!

Download here the form for making contribution to this vocabulary

Vocabulary synthesis