Presenting research results orally

Each year, CECA members may present a 20-minute oral research paper on empirical, historical or theoretical research. The deadlines and requirements for submitting such a proposal for communication are indicated on the CECA website. Characteristics of a report according to the type of research presentedEmpirical research

  1. The observation or problem that led to the research;
  2. Investigations and theories already published on the subject under investigation;
  3. The questions or assumptions that guided the information collection;
  4. The sample (or population) used, its presentation and justification (why we chose it);
  5. The instruments, their description and justification;
  6. How to analyse the information obtained;
  7. The results, their description, their meaning and what they contribute to museum education, cultural action or museology;
  8. Suggestions for new avenues of research;
  9. The complete list of books or articles cited (See APA Standards).

Historical research

  1. The current state of the subject studied from existing publications;
  2. The formulation of one or more questions;
  3. The definition of the main concepts used;
  4. Identification of the primary and secondary sources used;
  5. The results of their study, which make it possible, among other things,
    – to establish one or more facts;
    – to describe it (them);
    – to explain it, i.e. to identify the cause(s);
    – to draw conclusions from it;
    – to place them in a broader context;
  6. The contribution of the results to museum education, cultural action or museology;
  7. Suggestions for new avenues of research;
  8. The complete list of books or articles cited (See APA Standards).

Theoretical research

  1. The observation, question or problem that prompted the research;
  2. A summary of the texts already published on the subject, what they contribute and what they lack;
  3. The approach used to answer the question or to find a solution to the problem addressed;
  4. The outcome of the process and what it brings to museum education, cultural action or museology;
  5. Suggestions for new avenues of research;
  6. The complete list of books or articles cited (See APA Standards).

Note: Theoretical research is not a review of the literature or a presentation of one’s personal opinions.A Guide to APA Referencing Style: 6th EditionAPA is one of many referencing styles used in academic writing. APA stands for American Psychological Association. The Association outlines the style in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association [APA] (6th ed.).
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