Colette Dufresne-Tassé Award 2025

Created in 2015, the Colette Dufresne-Tassé Award aims at stimulating research among CECA members. It now exists in two forms: a Junior form for students, members under 35, and a Senior form for older members.

The Award is a 400 Euros contribution to each winner’s accommodation and registration fees for the annual CECA International Conference. It also involves the presentation of the two winning research papers at the Conference and their publication on the CECA website.

Submit a text of 35.000 to 70.000 characters (spaces included), written in one of ICOM’s official languages: English, French or Spanish. This text should have the characteristics described above.

The structure of the papers must conform to the following sections:

A three-member committee appointed by the CECA Board evaluates submissions according to the following two criteria: the rigor of the research and its contribution to museum education and/or cultural action.

Eligibility requirements

  1. Being a CECA member in a personal or institutional capacity and having paid the registration fees in the year in which one applies for the award;
  2. Having carried out the investigation for one’s own institution or a group of them including one’s own;
  3. Having carried out the investigation oneself, which does not exclude the collaboration of colleagues or students (if this is the case, they are considered co-authors and named as such, but the 400 Euros and the registration fees are paid only to the member applying for the award or, failing this, to a member of the team, whose name is submitted to CECA before the opening of the Annual International Conference);
  4. Research must be original and not previously published;
  5. Members of the CECA Board may not be candidates.


  1. Submit a 35.000 to 70.000-character text (spaces included) as indicated above, specifying that you are applying for the award;
  2. Send the text to prixCDT[at] by May 29, 2025 ;
  3. One month after being informed that you are an award winner, send a photocopy of a travel document (plane, train or bus ticket) to prixCDT[at]

Papers that do not comply with the described procedure, e.g. late submission, will not be considered.
Whether or not they receive the Award, and provided their paper has been accepted, candidates for the Colette Dufresne-Tassé Award may give a 20-minute oral presentation of their research at the CECA Anual International Conference.

►  ►  Terms of participation

List of granted awards

Rosa María Hervás Avilés; Antonia María Sánchez Lázaro; Magdalena Castejón Ibáñez.
Universidad de Murcia.
El museo como espacio de desarrollo local. Una experiencia de participación ciudadana.

Ricardo Rubiales García Jurado
Más allá de tus ojos, una posibilidad para la metacognición, el diseño museográfico y el trabajo colaborativo

“Mention Honorable” 2019 for two other texts:

  • One is signed by Mariel Carrubba and Leticia Orieta, the title being:
    CDT 2019 Carrubba Orieta Estadisticas de Genero-1”.
  • The other is signed by María Paz Undurraga y Candela Arellano, its title being:: “Visitantes de museos chilenos: Hacia un primer diagnóstico nacional de públicos de museos”.

Victoria Osete and Carlos Egio :
“Estudio de la relacion entre dos instituciones culturales y su entorno social en el barrio del Carmen de Murcia” <here>
CECA Colette Dufresne-Tassé Award Winners 2021

Mrs. Monika Marina Alcántara.
“Let’s Play. Gamification in Austrian museums. An Analysis of its Current Status in Educational Programming”.
ICOM Austria

Mention Honorable 2023
Mr. Cheung on Tam.
“Creating connections: A study of the impact and effectiveness of a visual arts teacher-curator pedagogy”.
ICOM China

Winners and Jury

Mrs.Ariadna Vargas Trejo
“Los círculos de reflexión como estrategia de mediación en la exposición “La antropología de las cosas”. Una aportación práctica para la educación en museos” MiMuseo Universitario De La Salle.
ICOM Mexico, Senior

Mrs.Jessica BrodeFrank
“Crowdsourcing in Museums: Prioritizing Community Wisdom in an Artificial Intelligence World” Chicago Collections Consortium.
ICOM US, Junior

Winners and Jury

Research award, Prize winners 2024

Ariadna Vargas Trejo / Jessica BrodeFrank

Research award, Prize winners 2023

Monika Marina Alcántara and Cheung on Tam

Research award, Prize winners  2020-2021

Victoria Osete and Carlos Egio

Research award, Prize winner and Jury 2019

Ricardo Rubiales García Jurado, prize winner Colette Dufresne-Tassé 2019
Jury : Rosa Maria Hervas Aviles, Colette Dufresne Tassé, Anne-Marie Emond.

Anne-Marie Emond