ICOM Education

ICOM Education is the official journal of CECA.
It was called Museums Annual for the first six editions.
Most of the past editions are available to view online by clicking on the links below.
Until issue 30, the journals – from the beginning bilingual French and English, and from issue 16 also with contributions in Spanish are only available in the language(s) they were published in with a summary in the two other ICOM official languages.
As from issue 30, all articles are translated and integrated in one separate unilingual issue but only published online.
ICOM Education 30 / Special Edition
The Foundations of the Committee for Education and Cultural Action (CECA)
►► <here>
This special edition in three unilingual volumes contains the articles resulting from the research carried out on the two themes of “education” and “cultural action” on behalf of the CECA Committee by the “Marignan Group” whose aim was to reflect on the founding themes of the Committee. The volume opens with the unpublished articles on education as well as the articles published in Nos. 28 and 29 on the place of education and cultural action within ICOM and the CECA. The articles on cultural action by members of the “Marignan Group” published in ICOM Education 28 in one language only have been translated and included in each version of this issue 30.
ICOM Education 31
Call for papers ICOM Education 31 ►► <Here>
Theme : focus on Enjoyment
Why do we count “visitors” instead of “visits”. The nuance is important, since it takes into account those who come for their first visit to the museum or exhibition as well as those who come back for further visits. If they come back, one can assume that they liked at least one of their previous visits. If frequent visitors and museum-lovers keep coming back to see exhibitions, they must enjoy it in some way.
This issue of ICOM Education is dedicated to the mysteries of the visit experience in order to find out what it is that makes it such a pleasant one, let’s ask the audiences what exactly it is that makes their visit so enjoyable.
Articles are due by the 15th of January 2022.
They will be peer-reviewed before being accepted for publishing. Since the time frame is extremely tight, all submissions arriving after the submission deadline (Mid January 2022) will be automatically refused.
If you are interested in submitting an article, please contact Stéphanie Wintzerith, <swi[at]wintzerith.de>.
- ICOM Education N°. 29 : Museum Education
- ICOM Education No. 28, 2018: Cultural Action
- ICOM Education No. 27, 2016: Special Issue on Research
- ICOM Education No. 26, 2015: Special Issue on Research
- ICOM Education No. 25, 2014: Change of Perspective (New) Ideas for Presenting Museum Objects
- ICOM Education No. 24, 2013: Museum Education and the Cultural Heritage in Threatened Countries: Risks, prevention and support of population
- ICOM Education No.23, 2012: Museum Education and New Media
- ICOM Education No. 22, 2011: CECA Membership Survey
- ICOM Education No. 21, 2007: Museum Education and Adolescents
- ICOM Education No. 20, 2006: Special Issue – Museum and Education – ICOM CECA Publications 1952 to 2006
- ICOM Education No. 19, 2005: Museum Education and Partnerships
- ICOM Education No. 18, 2003/04: Museum Education and Non Visitors
- ICOM Education No. 17, 2001/02: Museum Education and New Museology
- ICOM Education No. 16, 1996/97: Museums and the Community/ Musees et Communautes/ Museos y Communidades
- ICOM Education No. 15, 1995: International Cooperation and Collaboration
- ICOM Education No. 14, 1992-1995: Museum Education Towards 2000
- ICOM Education No. 12-13, 1991: Recherche et Education dans les Musées
- ICOM Education No. 11, 1984: The Museum and the World of Work/ Museum and Community
- ICOM Education No. 10, 1982/83
- ICOM Education No. 9, 1979 – 1981
- ICOM Education No. 8, 1977/78 [view online]
- ICOM Education No. 7, 1975/76
- ICOM Museums’ Annual/ Annales des Musées No. 6, 1974
- ICOM Museums’ Annual/ Annales des Musées No. 5, 1973
- ICOM Museums’ Annual/ Annales des Musées No. 4, 1972
- ICOM Museums’ Annual/ Annales des Musées No. 3, 1971
- ICOM Annales/Annual No. 2, 1970
- ICOM Annales/Annual No. 1, 1969
For information about issues 8 to 20 & 30 contact:
Nicole Gesché-Koning –
coopted CECA Board member for Publications
Email: ngesche(at)me.com
Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts & Université Libre de Bruxelles
105 Avenue Latérale
B- 1180 Bruxelles